Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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What was I for you

You passed from my life
And you broke me into pieces
I only want you to tell me
Looking me in the eyes…
What was I for you
What were you for me
It’s time then to count ourselves (I don’t know how to translate this well!)
Only I got mad
I was destroyed for you
To see that all will say
What was I for you
What were you for me
It’s time then to count ourselves
Only I got mad
I was destroyed for you
To see that all will say
To the others you say that nothing
I did for you
But I want you to tell if you dare
The same to me…
What was I for you
What were you for me
It’s time then to count ourselves
Only I got mad
I was destroyed for you
To see that all will say
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