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Ako me zavoliš

Nisu više iste noći
doveli smo ljubav sve do zida
vise nišu isti čak ni dani
samo isto srce mi se kida
Osećam ti moja tugo
osećam da neću dugo živeti
u ovom mraku bez nade
ovom moru od suza
If you fall in love with me in another world
Let it not be like it was this summer
Give me all of yourself give everything
So that our love can last forever
Nikom ne spominji šta sam ti nekad bila
jer našu propast sam čak i od Boga krila
sve, zaboravi na sve
i kao da sam tvoja prvi put zagrli me
Nisu tvoje oči iste
ni ja kao nekad ti ni stojim
znam da nisu isti nam ni snovi
samo iste poraze nam brojim
Osećam ti moja tugo
osećam da neću dugo živeti
u ovom mraku bez nade
ovom moru od suza
Ljubav umire u tvojim očima
možda se rodi opet, podigni glavu gore
ko da veruje, al' to je sudbina
znaj da na ovom svetu doći će sve na svoje

If You Fall In Love With Me

Nights aren't the same anymore
We brought our love to the wall
Not even days are same anymore
Just my same hearth breaks
My sadness, i feel you
I feel i will not live long
To live in the dark without hope
In this sea of tears
If you fall in love with me in another world
Let it not be like this time, in this flight
Give of yourself all the best..give it ..
For our Love to last forever
Do not tell anyone what I was to you once
Because our failure i hid even from a God
Everything,forget about everything
And just like im your's for the first time,hold me
Your eyes arent the same
Not even I, as before, dont fit you anymore
I know not even our dreams are the same
Only same defeat's im counting to us
Love dies in your eyes
Maybe it will be born again, hold your head up
Who to believe, but it's fate
you know, in that world, everything will come all on their own.
Indira Radić: Top 3
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