Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Tribalistas

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If someday I find you
The way I dreamed
And maybe become your perfect match
And love you
The way I imagined
When I turn the corner
And get lost behind a curtain
In the dark, with you
Fire in the pit
Your kiss and the desire in your eyes
The flowers at the altar
Gown and veil
Shower of rice
And all that comes next
Catch the bouquet
No one is happier
Than you and I
But if someday I find you
The way I dreamed
And maybe become your perfect match
And love you
The way I imagined
When I turn the corner
And get lost behind a curtain
In the dark, with you
Fire in the pit
Your kiss and the desire in your eyes
The flowers at the altar
Gown and veil
Shower of rice
And all that comes next
Catch the bouquet
No one is happier
Than you and I
No one is happier
Than you and I
No one is happier
Than you and I
No one is happier
Than you and I
No one is happier
Than you and I
But if someday I find you
The way I dreamed
And maybe become your perfect match
And love you
The way I imagined
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