Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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I took a trip inside a room
My remoteness was even closer
Your skin is so soft, I could fall for it again
Because it's a bit completely wrong
I've seen blowing the air and, with time,
Building walls or windmills
And screaming for a change
While seating on the couch
Because it's a bit completely wrong
It's humanity that makes the difference
take me to Bolivia to change my mind
take me to Bolivia to change everything
I'll turn off the cell phone
I'll be free and independent
Mom, no
I don't need anything
And pedalling in the dark tirelessly
Playing hide-and-seek in the forest
Just to feel lighter
But not for real
There's gravity
But there's gravity here too
It's humanity that makes the difference
take me to Bolivia to change my mind
take me to Bolivia to change everything
I'll turn off the cell phone
I'll be free and independent
Mom, no
I don't need anything
But if you can, save me
From the moisture, of the most insistent rainfall
that seeps in people's bones
who always complain
who eat badly
and believe in what they read
It's humanity that makes the difference
take me to Bolivia to change my mind
take me to Bolivia to change everything
I'll turn off the cell phone
I'll be free and independent
Mom, no
I don't need anything
I don't need anything
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Don JuanDon Juan
   Woe, 28/02/2018 - 15:16

The source lyrics have been updated - I have rearranged some stanzas. Please review your translation for updates.