Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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Heiemo sang her song in the hillside

Wake up you noble boys!
The water spirit heard it,
striding on the sea.
Cause you've been sleeping too long.
Wake up you noble boys!
The water spirit heard it,
that heathen dog.
Cause you've been sleeping too long.
The water spirit talked to the stear man,
Wake up you noble boys!
stear my ship to the christian land!
Cause you've been sleeping too long.
I want to walk on christian land.
Wake up you noble boys!
The beautiful virgin, I'll have.
Cause you've been sleeping too long.
Then he walked into the house.
Wake up you noble boys!
With a high hat and plum cheeks.
Cause you've been sleeping too long.
The water spirit danced and Heiemo sang.
Wake up you noble boys!
It pleased the people in the houses.
Cause you've been sleeping too long.
Now each must go to their home.
Wake up you noble boys!
Heiemo I'll take with me to my ship.
Cause you've been sleeping too long.
Heiemo, Heiemo, quiet your anger.
Wake up you noble boys!
You'll sleep on the water spirit's arm.
Cause you've been sleeping too long.
She stabbed the water spirit, with courage.
Wake up you noble boys!
The knife went into the heart.
Cause you've been sleeping too long.
Here you're laying water spirit, for raven and dog.
Wake up you noble boys!
I still have my singing grove.
Cause you've been sleeping too long.
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