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Unbreakable Heart

My bed is empty; my heart is broken
I'm dying from the cold and there is no one to hold me
I can hardly breathe
I feel like a disaster; I'm unable to forget you
I can't get rid of the shirt you left on my sofa
I close my eyes; I think of you for an instant
Happy moments come to trick me
But reality returns to attack me once again
How do you heal a heart so sad?
How do you reach the end of such sad, grey days?
How do you survive when you want to die?
How do you find ten billion pieces
And have the will to glue them back together? Impossible
I'd rather ask God to give me an unbreakable heart
If I could choose, I would love you again
There is nothing about you that I regret
I would do it again
I close my eyes, I think of you for an instant
Happy moments come to trick me
but really once again returns to attack me
How do you heal a heart so sad?
How do you reach the end of such sad, grey days?
How do you survive when you want to die?
How do you find ten billion pieces
And have the will to glue them back together? Impossible
How can I leave it here with so much to tell you?
I'd rather ask God,
I'd rather ask God to give me an unbreakable heart
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Corazón irrompible

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