Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Édith Piaf

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Act As If

Act as if, my love,
Act as if we loved each other,
Just for a day, just for a day,
Love was true...
Act as if, my love,
Act as if we could,
My love, my love,
Love each other forever...
Act as if...
Closing my arms, my arms around me
I escape a little
And, thinking that I am in your arms,
I dream of your eyes...
Act as if, my love,
Act as if we loved each other,
Just for a day, just for a day,
Love was true...
Act as if, my love,
Act as if we could,
My love, my love,
Love each other forever...
Act as if...
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