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  • Melnitsa

    Gaudete → Engels vertaling

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Gaudete*, Gaudete
How the winter wind comes
Out of an ice chamber, out of an iron palace
It is cruel, clear, blue
All covered with the ornaments of a harpsichord
And hearts break with a ringing frosty crackling, yes yes, the hearts do
Gaudete, Gaudete
With the blood of mountain dawn
With the meeting of gazes, and shaking of a wind-weathered hand
If a sorcerer's road is endless
With the path of crystal cracks
I will bring you gifts - a heart, an eternirty, and ice skates
Gaudete, Gaudete
Are we kept warm by each other
Are we clothed in breath
We perceive the heart of darkness
So let us rejoice, friends
This child of fire and blizzard
Gaudete, Gaudete
The king of winter is coming
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