Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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You either got it or not

You're going to do something,you're starting it well
as soon as you make me high,then you unmake me
it doesn't suit you to say many things,I don't like it anymore
time goes around quickly,(and) nothing lasts forever
You either got it or not
this one which I got it on my mind
you either got it or not
I want to see you in action
You're trying to do something,in order I to say 'yes'
you reach my source without drinking water
what's you're fault and you waste your time
time goes around quickly,and nothing lasts forever
You either got it or not
this one which I got it on my mind
you either got it or not
I want to see you in action(x2)
You either got it or not
this one whih I finally want
I want you to feel me
if you don't have it tell me goodbye
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