Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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the love is the cure

my heart is like a thin stick
please come and please this poor mortal
my arms have the smell of pinewood
come .. You rose lips ..and stay
a disaster … who is the enemy who is a friend
come and we get old together
on my bed on my willow.. and you with my flower
come and you can feed on love
the love is the cure
nay nay ne nay nay
come ….nay ne nay nay
come and you can feed on love
the love is the cure
nay nay ne nay nay
come ….nay ne nay nay
the love is the cure
nay nay ne nay nay
come ….nay ne nay nay
what is the future what is the past
come the day where love is set into heart
the life is to live
today is a wedding day
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