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  • Carmen Consoli

    La dolce attesa → Engels vertaling

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Be expecting

At the third month of hysterical pregnancy
the soft features of motherhood already appear on ther face
She said that Maddalena would be a special name, together with Sofia
in case the baby was a male, Vincenzo Maria.
At the sixth month of hysterical pregnancy
everyone thought it was advisable not to bother the truth
Undermined by remorse for having given her the torment
until she gave birth to a creature within the fertile age
While she was waiting for the happy event
that never would have taken place
she bought maternity clothes and a wooden crib
like those of the past
you could read her boundless happiness in her face
because she was pregnant
At the ninth month of hysterical pregnancy
all kept the staging unchanged from cowardice
it would have been a matter of days and it would have cleared up for itself
the unfortunate misunderstanding of which she was the one and only architect
While waiting for the happy event
that never would have taken place
she felt that creature moving with superb grace
like a trapeze artist on stage, you could read her immeasurable happiness in her face
While waiting for the happy event
she had already thought of everything
priest, baptism and clinic with a wooden cradle
like those of past times, and the most varied types of carillon
Mystical and slow time, she was pregnant
she was pregnant
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La dolce attesa

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