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Second star to the right,
This is the path
And then straight on til morning,
Then you find the road yourself,
It leads to Neverland.*
Maybe this will seem strange to you,
But rationality
Got you carried away
And now you're almost convinced that
Neverland cannot exist.
And thinking about it, what madness,
It's a fairytale, it's only fantasy
And he who is wise, who is mature knows it:
It cannot exist in reality!....
I agree with you,
A land doesn't exist
Where there are neither saints nor heroes.
And if there are not thieves,
If there is never war,
Maybe it's just the island
That's not there... that's not there.
And it's not an invention
And not even a play on words,
If you believe it, it's enough because
Then you find the road yourself.
~ ~ ~
I agree with you,
No thieves and police,
But what kind of island is it?^
No hate and violence
Neither soldiers nor weapons,
Maybe it's just the island
That's not there... that's not there.
Second star to the right,
This is the path
And then straight on til morning,
You can't miss it because
That is Neverland.
And they tease you
If you continue to look for it,
But don't you give up because
He who has already given up
And laughs at you behind your back,
Is perhaps even crazier than you.
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L'isola che non c'è

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Valeriu RautValeriu Raut
   Zat, 03/05/2014 - 04:53

Hello Vanessa and thank you for the English translation.
Here are some personal suggestions.
(What I put between brackets is wrong, capitals are right.)

Porta means Door. But Portare means: to take to, to lead to.
Here: porta all'isola che non c'è > (The door) IT LEADS to Neverland

ti ha un po' preso la mano > (You) have got YOU carried away

se ci credi ti basta perché > If you believe it, IT IS enough because

che non c'è > That (never was) DOESN'T EXIST

Kind regards.

marcella.monti.9marcella.monti.9    Vrij, 05/12/2014 - 09:40

Hallo Vanessa, just one small suggestion
Instead of: