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Just present

My sweet sun is in net of cloudy days
But in moment I saw he everything became lighter and warmer
Dripping water started to sound in my soul
And April woke up in soul
And love that was sleeping for long time
Got two white wings
Just present to me only one look
And present your magical kiss
And in one moment I'll become fabulously rich
Richer than all princes and all kings
Just present to me only one look
And present your magical kiss
And in one moment I'll become fabulously rich
Richer than all princes and all kings
There is smell of flowers and of spring even in time of cruel winter
And I watch so beautiful sleeps! We are alone, only we are
I'll give you away to nobody, I'll call all world for fight
And when I'll come back with victory I'll sink in your hair
Just present to me only one look
And present your magical kiss
And in one moment I'll become fabulously rich
Richer than all princes and all kings
Just present to me only one look
And present your magical kiss
And in one moment I'll become fabulously rich
Richer than all princes and all kings
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