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كلنا هننام بليل

كلنا هنام باللیل
كلنا هنام بلیل
و نقوم ناسیین
مدمنین الزحمة
و الأفلام مدمنین الوحشة قبل النوم
مدمنين الفرجة عا الفتارین
مدمنين ماركات و بني آدمین
ونمشي في الشارع ولحد البیت
خفنا من بیتنا ومن الشبابیك
خوفنا مــالمرواح
خوفنا مـالتترات
وبعدھا بننام
ونقوم ناسیین
في الشوارع سابوا لمبة نیون
تصحى طول اللیل
للي مش نایمین
واللي مش نایمین على كام سریر
عدوا للملیون
عدوا كام محمول
عدوا كام رنة
من الأغراب
كام أصلا صاحب عا القایمة
عدوا كام باقي من الأصحاب
وعدوا كام ترباس على الأبواب
كلنا هنام باللیل
كلنا هنام بلیل
و نقوم ناسیین
وفجاة نشوف الصبح من الشباك
ومن الإرهاق نقوم ناسيين

We'll All Fall Asleep at Night

We'll all fall asleep at night
We'll all fall asleep at night
And we'll wake up forgetting [everything]
We're addicted to crowdedness
And movies, addicted to loneliness before sleep
Addicted to watching the display windows of shops
Addicted to brands and to people
And we walk on the street towards home
afraid of home and of the windows
afraid of coming home
afraid of the closing credits
And afterwards we fall asleep
and wake up forgetting [everything]
They left a neon lamp out there on the streets
awake for the whole night
for the sake of those who are not asleep
And those who can't sleep are on a bunch of beds
They counted to 1 million
They counted how many mobile phones
and how many TV's are there
They counted how many missed calls they have
from strangers
And how many friends are actually on the contact list
They counted their friends who remain
And counted how many locks are on their doors
We'll all fall asleep at night
We'll all fall asleep at night
And we'll wake up forgetting [everything]
And suddenly we'll see the morning through the window
And out of exhaustion we'll wake up forgetting [everything]
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