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Remember Me

How it is cold on this beach..
Because a page is torn off without you.
It's already the winter
And there is no love to live...
There is no soul,
The joy went out.
The sea remains
And has already thrown it away.
Mine, yours,
Lost eternity
Which now is just a squall of sand.
Remember me
In the coldness of Milan,
In running free sandals.
Remember me
If it does not seem to you strange
To relive these moments
With me.
And I am coming back shipwrecked
To the same room
And I am sleeping here
Without you
Like a stupid one.
And life is going on,
More stubborn than we
And it does not have a pity
If you don't love me.
But you, what are you doing
With this freedom
Which now for me
Is an useless emptiness?
Remember me
In the coldness of Milan,
Among magnolias of a blue paradise.
Remember me,
You don't hear that I am calling you.
Don't ask me
Not to love you any more.
And I am waking up shipwrecked,
In the same room
And I am running away,
Leaving here this splendid daybreak.
Remember me,
Remember me,
Remember me from far away,
Remember that one
Who does not want to lose you.
While the time is running away,
Like a flash of a photo,
I have a gift.
If you love me
The life will come
For us.
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