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Brick by brick

I've got plans, great plans
I'm building a house for you
Each stone is a tear
And you'll never move again
Yes, I'm building a little house for you
With no windows and no door
It'll be dark inside
Not a single ray of light will go through
Yes, I'm building you a home
And you have to be part of the whole
Brick by brick I'm walling you in
Brick by brick
I'll always be by your side
Wearing no clothes or shoes,
You watch me while I'm working
By standing with your feet in the cement
You make the foundation look more beautiful
There's going to be a garden outside
And no one can hear you screaming
Brick by brick I'm walling you in
Brick by brick
I'll always be by your side
What a knock, what a hammering sound
Outside, the dawn starts breaking
All the nails are standing firm
As I am hammering them into your wooden body
Brick by brick I'm walling you in
Brick by brick
And no one can hear you screaming
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Stein um Stein

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49BlackButterfly49BlackButterfly    Vrij, 08/02/2013 - 17:00

Sehr beeindruckend! Du bist wirklich eine sehr talentierte Übersetzerin!

   Zat, 09/02/2013 - 11:18

Vielen Dank!!