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I've really loved you

So I left for a long journey
Far away from the mistakes I've made
I've visited places not to see you again
And the further I went, the better I felt
And it was snowing heavily but I walked on
Sometimes I ignited a fire and thought of you cause of the cold
Daydreaming on a ferry's deck
I thought I was seeing your reflection in the sea
The lights in the harbour seemed distant
And I was feeling happy to make landfall
And my face was changing, my beard was getting longer
I spent entire days not saying a word
And how I wanted you there in those moments
Cause I really love you1
And there's no place where you don't come to my mind
I really wanted to have you
And not having to hear that I can't help it
I'd have found many more answers if I'd asked you
But it doesn't matter
I can't do it now that you're so far away
I'd feel like telling you that the journey changes a man
And the starting point seems so far away by now
Destination isn't a place, it's what we feel
And we don't know where nor when we get there
I spent entire days not saying a word
I thought you were really far away
Oh if we knew, before we leave,
That the journey's meaning is the destination, the enticement
Cause I really love you
And there's no place where you don't come to my mind
I really wanted to have you
And not having to hear that I can't help it
I'd have found many more answers if I'd asked you
But it doesn't matter
I can't do it now that you're so far away
  • 1. the friends/parents "I love you" in italian is different from the lovers "I love you". In this song the first one is meant
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