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So Very Beautiful

We meet only when we must, when it is important to
It's when no one's interfering, or telling us what to do
We would give each other reasons to share silence for a bit
So you would buy the time and therefore I would sell you it
You are so very beautiful, but you live just one time
You are so very wise, don't let the moment pass by
We endure anything from each other, but I have to state
It's what I then get from you that makes it all compensate
For all the restless evenings, mixed with long and sleepless nights
Chasing after pointless work, and unnecessary plights
You are so very beautiful...
I would embrace you, without asking
I just fear that I will not get through to you
You are so very beautiful...
We could be each other's miracle, I'd do wonderful things with you
If I could only make you see it all, in the way in which I do
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Todella kaunis

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