Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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Are You Dreaming?

You know as well as I do
That I can't sleep
Because my dreams are
Always focused on you
I've waited all night
For you to come to me
Now finally give me your hand
And come into the light
It's a tiny little step
And there's no going back
Will you dream with me tonight
Will you jump with me tonight
This great freedom is the door
To your paradise
Free will quickly becomes
Your own rope.
I know that you can't bare
The noise of life
And from silence we separate
For just a moment
Will you dream with me tonight
Will you jump with me tonight
Will you dream with me tonight
Will you come with me to the roof
Please please please come
Just a little closer
Please please please come
Just a little closer
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Gegeven reacties
Angela Hamon 1Angela Hamon 1    Zon, 24/10/2021 - 08:37

Thank you SO much for the translation. I kept thinking he said "mehr" and not "naher" So I thought he was asking for more! LOL not too far off. . .