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They are already beating me up

This girl is just my type.
In the morning, the day couldn't have started in a better way,
And I'm already running towards her. I'm nice enough,
smart, funny and hopefully good-looking, too.
A third person is approaching us,
I should probably hurry up and go away now.
They are already beating me up with great force.
I need to get away.
Also, I wanted to preach to everyone,
that I will get rid of evil once and for all.
Money is evil, so let them give it all to me.
Let them give up their rich estates, cars, villas.
No response. I'm saying to myself
that I should probably hurry up and go away now.
They are already beating me up with great force.
I need to get away.
I met a man. I said, "Mate, did you know,
women are just a bother?"
He took it to heart and threw his wife out,
And now his right hand is swollen.
Who is that walking with an axe?
I should probably hurry up and go away now.
They are already beating me up with great force.
I need to get away.
Everywhere I've been, there was always something what got in my way.
I want to keep my last tooth,
I crank up my boom box to the max,
And right away some bell interrupts me.
I have no luck, I don't want anyone to beat me up with their fists any more.
I'm going to jump out the window.
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Kabát: Top 3
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Grampa Wild WillyGrampa Wild Willy    Vrij, 05/09/2014 - 11:03

This girl is right my type. >
Either: This girl is my type.
Or: This girl is just my type.
Or: This girl sure is my type.

The next next three lines need to be broken up into two sentences. I think the best place to break it is here:
towards her. I'm nice enough,

Someone third is coming to us, >
Either: A third person is approaching us
Or: Someone is approaching us
Or: Somebody is coming toward us
Or: Some mixture of those 3 suggestions.

I think you need another sentence break here: and go away now.

They are already beating me up with great power. > This seems to be the central idea of this song but I'm not sure I totally understand it. Who is "they?" And power . . . Does it mean "great force?" Or is it a reference to political power?

that I will end with evil once and for all. >
This could have a couple of different meanings. If he wants to get rid of the evil around him and around the people he is talking to, then you would say either "end evil" or "stop evil" or "get rid of evil," something along those lines. "End with" isn't how you would express these ideas. On the other hand, if he is saying he has been evil and is going to change his ways, then you would say either "I will stop being evil" or "I will leave evil behind" or "I won't be evil any more," something along those lines.

This bit is funny:
Money are evil, so let them give it all to me,
Let them give up for rich granges, cars, villas.
I'll take some, too. But there's a couple of things that need to change:
Money is evil, so let them give it all to me. No response.

hurry up abd go away now, > hurry up and go away now,

I met a man, I said, mate, did you know,
women are just a bother for us. >
This needs some different punctuation, and a sentence break:
I met a man. I said, "Mate, did you know,
women are just a bother?"
Or maybe "a nuisance." Or "more trouble than they are worth."

He took it into his heart and cast her wife out, > He took it to heart and threw his wife out,

And now he has his right hand swollen. > And now his right hand is swollen.

Who is there walking with an axe? > Who is that walking with an axe?

Where I had come, there I hit
I want to keep the last tooth,
I play big beat aloud,
and I immediately hear the bell ringing. >
I'm having a hard time figuring this out. About the only part of this that is clear is, "I want to keep my last tooth." The rest of it just doesn't make sense to me. Is this supposed to be a reference to boxing, with the bell ringing after each round?

with fist anymore. > with their fists any more.

jump off the window. > jump out the window.

I see you're into songs about people beating each other up, this one, the one about the guy who is strong as an ox . . . It's a phase, I'm sure. It will pass. You will recover.

Grampa Wild WillyGrampa Wild Willy    Vrij, 05/09/2014 - 11:13

I just listened to the song while trying to follow along with the lyrics. I must say I am amazed that you can even make a transcription of it. What I read (without understanding a word) and what I heard (also without understanding a word) just don't seem to be the same.

   Vrij, 05/09/2014 - 15:41

Much thanks! :)

I didn't get what you meant by breaking "and go away now." Sorry.

They are already beating me up with great power > Yes, force is right. "They" are just some other people who are very strong.

If "the evil around him" is also money, drugs, alcohol, then I can use one of those ones you wrote first.

Where I had come, there I hit > There are some places where he went, and in each of them was something for expamle like a wall, and everytime he hit into a wall.
Or it could be meant like he failed in each place where he had gone, but inasmuch as in the next line is said that he wants to keep the last tooth, I think it should be rather the first one. Or there could be some deeply hidden meaning..

I play big beat aloud > He turns on the radio to listen to a big beat, and he increases the volume, so that it's out loud. In Czech is written "bigbít", it's just the English word written how it is pronounced in Czech.

and I immediately hear the bell ringing > right as he started to listen to the big beat, some bell starts to ring (maybe a door bell).

No, I don't think it's something to do with boxing. xD

Hahaha what's wrong about translating songs like this???

Seriously? I was surprised by the clear Czech they used. Not typical for this band at all. Did you try to listen to it and going through the lyrics at the same time? They are 100% the same. In Czech you read everything like it's written. At least one advantage of the Czech language haha!

Grampa Wild WillyGrampa Wild Willy    Vrij, 05/09/2014 - 16:51

I meant put a period at the end of "and go away now." This appears in several places in the song & I think it would be right in all of them.

give up for rich estates, > give up their rich estates,

Where I had come, there I hit >
Your explanation makes it clearer. Let's try this:
Everywhere I go, there's always something getting in my way.
Or: I always run into some wall that stops me.
Or: there's always somebody trying to beat me up.

the last tooth > my last tooth

I play big beat aloud,
and I immediately hear the bell ringing. >
bigbít: What a word! That is . . . I have no words for it. That is just amazing. Well, at least now I understand what we're trying to say here. Let's try this:
I crank up my boom box to the max,
And right away some bell interrupts me.
I don't know if "boom box" is still a term that's in use today. It's not an expression that's all that old but I think it's the term we're looking for here. A "boom box" is, or at least it was, a portable battery-operated radio that is maybe a metre wide, maybe bigger, that has a couple of big speakers in it. Kids used to hoist it up onto a shoulder and carry it around so the music was blasting in one ear. You could also set it down on the ground & your friends could all gather around and you could have a little party in the street with the music. There is usually a CD player built in, too. Is that what you're talking about? I think maybe things like the iPod and earbuds have taken over so the boom box has gone out of fashion. But I think that's what we're talking about here.

English and Czech may share the same alphabet, but I am coming to believe that Czech doesn't necessarily pronounce the letters the same as in English. When I was reading the lyrics, it didn't always look like what I was hearing. Some of it did and some of it didn't. I'm sure the fact that I have never heard Czech spoken, never had Czech friends, never been to that part of the world, I'm sure all of that contributes to my not following it. You may pronounce every letter, but I expect the letters to sound like they do in English and I'm not so sure they do in Czech.

And no, there's nothing wrong with translating any songs at all. I was just making a little joke. Very little. Too small to see.

   Vrij, 12/09/2014 - 12:51

Oh thanks much again :)

Everything corrected, still I'd like to ask if there could be used also "Everywhere I went, there was always something what got in my way." ? Because there is the past tense in the original lyrics..

I think the word boom box is still used, last time I've met with it was in a Finnish song (TCT - Rannalle). Thanks for explaining it, I didn't know its meaning till now.

You would understand what I meant if you learned the pronounciation of Czech alphabet. Then you shouldn't have any trouble with reading czech words at all (well, at least from the bigger part), since in English it's not that easy..


Grampa Wild WillyGrampa Wild Willy    Vrij, 12/09/2014 - 13:09

Everywhere I went (or Everywhere I've been), there was always something that got in my way.
Yes, that could work.

You also have a "with with" near the end of the song. One is enough.

Everybody always thinks the letters of his own language are easy and it's difficult in another language.

I'm glad you're enjoying a little break from school. It's always good to see you here.

   Vrij, 12/09/2014 - 18:49

Oh sorry didn't notice it :D

Yeah that's so true.. I'm sorry.

Grampa Wild WillyGrampa Wild Willy    Zat, 13/09/2014 - 03:12

Don't apologize. You didn't do anything to apologize for. Be happy!