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  • Amazarashi

    爆弾の作り方 → Tradução para Inglês

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干からびた栄光が 国道沿い 血も流さず潰れているぜ
欠陥だらけの僕らの 苦悩もこれまた無残な廃品
歌にしたって誰も聴かないし いまだに金にもならねぇし
今日も夕焼けの帰り道 くすぶってんのはどこのどいつだ
そう言ってら落伍者扱い 立派な社会不適合者
やり続けることの情熱も 今じゃ余計な不穏分子
純粋でいることの代償は つまり居場所が無いって事だ
行き場の無いイノセンス イノセンス 今に見てろって部屋にこもって
爆弾を一人作る 僕らの薄弱なアイデンティティー
ひび割れたイノセンス イノセンス こんなんじゃないって奮い立って
僕は戦う つまりそれが 僕等にとって唯一の免罪符
誰よりも優しい あの子が息を潜めて泣いています
街の噂で聞いたんだ これがきっとこの世で一番の不条理
街には危険がいっぱいだから 誰にも会わず自分を守る
僕等は常に武器を探してる それがナイフじゃないことを祈る
またいつ剥がれるのかと 今日もびくびくしながら生きるぜ
間違ってしまった僕等の たった一つ正しい涙
潔白でいる事の代償は 誰かを傷つけるって事だ
行き場の無いイノセンス イノセンス 今に見てろって部屋にこもって
爆弾を一人作る 僕らの薄弱なアイデンティティー
ひび割れたイノセンス イノセンス こんなんじゃないって奮い立って
僕は戦う つまりそれが 僕等にとって唯一の免罪符
許されない僕等が 許されるための手段
傷つきやすい僕等が 身を守るための方法
僕は歌で 君はなにで?
僕は歌で 君はなにで?
行き場の無いイノセンス イノセンス もう泣かないでまた立ち上がって
底知れない君の武器で 打ち砕く虚無的なイデオロギー
ひび割れたイノセンス イノセンス 追いすがる不安振りきる為に
僕は歌う つまりそれが 僕の兵器でありアイデンティティー

How to make a bomb

Dried up glory, along the highway, it broke without even having bled (?)
We, all covered in faults, even our pains are cruel bits of scrap
Even if we do sing, no one would listen, and we're not even rich
On the way back against today's sunset, who is the dude that's smoldering?
Things that can't be understood simply won't be understood
Things you don't want to do simply won't be done
If we say so, we'd fall behind
The passion for determination, is now just something extra and unsure (?)
The price for maintaining that purity, even if the result isn't rest in peace
The unpromimsed land's innocence innocence has been bound within this room
A person single-handedly makes the bomb, this is our fragile identity
The racked innocence innocence, it fights against for these things
I'll fight on, as this is our only ticket away from death
the child, who's more gentle than any other, tries to catch his breath whilst crying
Heard the rumour that's been passed around the street, this must be the most unreasonable thing to happen
Because the street is full of danger, that's why everyone just fight to protect themselves
We're seeking the weapons that's been hidden for so long, just hope they won't be some sort of swords.
An injury to the chest cannot be healed, the heart that's fixed by tapes
One day it'll just fall off right! Still living with fear even today.
We, who made so many mistakes, finally shed a tear drop that's right
The price for keeping our purity, it'll inevitably hurt someone, right?
We, who cannot be forgiven, fought for the tricks to be forgiven
We, who are so easily bruised, fought for the way to protect ourselves
I (achieve so) by means of singing, what about you?
I (achieve so) by means of singing, what about you?
The unpromimsed land's innocence innocence has been bound within this room
A person single-handedly makes the bomb, this is our fragile identity
The racked innocence innocence, it fights against for these things
I'll fight on, as this is our only ticket away from death
citruscitrus    Quarta-feira, 25/03/2015 - 20:43
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No, no I appreciate your effort for doing your best to translate. You've provided enough for me to understand what the song is about and that is all I ask for. So thank you for contributing your time to translate the song!