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  • Dino Merlin

    Verletzt → Tradução para Inglês

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Verletzt (feat. Edo Zanki)

I come downtown so rarely
There's less and less things that tie me
That black hole between once and now
Every moment gets more difficult for me
This pain is just a part
From that thing I never could
This pain is just a part
From the madness I've been into
When I
I offended the girl in you
I offended the boy in me
I offended us
Letras originais


Clique para ver a letra original (Alemão, Bósnio)

Dino Merlin: 3 mais populares
   Terça-feira, 18/12/2018 - 00:08

The source lyrics have been updated. German parts have been added. Please review your translation.