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  • English Children's Songs

    Animal Sound → Tradução para Tonganês

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Animal Sound

This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
animal sound song
The Dog goes Woof Woof Woof
The Cow goes Moo Moo Moo
The Chicken goes Cluck Cluck Cluck
The Frog goes Ribbit Ribbit Ribbit
This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
animal sound song
The Mouse goes Squeak Squeak Squeak
The Cat goes Meow Meow Meow
The Duck goes Quack Quack Quack
The Monkey goes Whoop Whoop Whoop
This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
animal sound song
The Rabbit goes Drum Drum Drum
The Bird goes Chirp Chirp Chirp
The Pig goes Oink Oink Oink
The Sheep goes Baa Baa Baa
This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
animal sound song
The Owl goes Hoot Hoot Hoot
The Grasshopper goes Gwittul Gwittul Gwittul
The Fly goes Buzz Buzz Buzz
The Cicada goes Maemmaem Maemmaem Maemmaem
This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
animal sound song
The Lion goes Roar Roar Roar
The Kangaroo goes Hop Hop Hop
The Crow goes Kaw Kaw Kaw
The Bear goes Growl Growl Growl
This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
This is the animal sound song
animal sound song

U'ulu Manu

Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Hiva u'ulu manu.
Pehe 'a e kuuli, woof, woof, woof
Pehe 'a e kau, moo, moo, moo
Pehe 'a e moa, cluck, cluck, cluck
Pehe 'a e poto, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Hiva u'ulu manu.
Pehe 'a e kuuma, squeak, squeak, squeak
Pehe 'a e pusi, meow, meow, meow
Pehe 'a e toloa, quack, quack, quack
Pehe 'a e ngeli, whoop, whoop, whoop.
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Hiva u'ulu manu.
Pehe 'a e lapisi, drum, drum, drum
Pehe 'a e manupuna, chirp, chirp, chirp
Pehe 'a e puaka, oink, oink, oink
Pehe 'a e sipi, baa, baa, baa.
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Hiva u'ulu manu.
Pehe 'a e lulu, hoot, hoot, hoot
Pehe 'a e he'e, gwittul, gwittul, gwittul
Pehe 'a e lango, buzz, buzz, buzz
Pehe 'a e lingolingo, maemmaem, maemmaem, maemmaem.
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Hiva u'ulu manu.
Pehe 'a e laione, roar, roar, roar
Pehe 'a e kangalu, hop, hop, hop
Pehe 'a e manupunau'ua, kaw, kaw, kaw
Pehe 'a e peaa, growl, growl, growl.
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Ko 'eni ko e hiva 'a e u'ulu manu
Hiva u'ulu manu.
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Idioms from "Animal Sound"