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Cards, Money, Two Plates

Yesterday I took home the МузТВ plate (check authors comment for explanation)
And today I'm pouring cereal in it
The be... the best fucking hip-hop project
The rest doesn't fucking matter (also see authors comment)
Yesterday I took home the МузТВ plate
And today I'm pouring cereal in it
The be... the best fucking hip-hop project
The rest doesn't fucking matter
When there's less PR in the music (bitch)
When each clip (clip) is like an ad
You can take me out of Krasnodar
But you'll never take, believe me, a single gram, nope
You'll never take, believe me, a single gram of the real love
Of mine, towards what I do
It's more important than a promotion, than marble
Since every track like it is leaves scars
Yesterday I took home the МузТВ plate
And today I'm pouring cereal in it
The be... the best fucking hip-hop project
The rest doesn't fucking matter
Yesterday I took home the МузТВ plate
And today I'm pouring cereal in it
The be... the best fucking hip-hop project
The rest doesn't fucking matter
Letras originais

Карты, Деньги, Две Тарелки

Clique para ver a letra original (Russo)

Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Quinta-feira, 22/02/2018 - 10:49

I don't give a f---k about the rest.

   Quinta-feira, 22/02/2018 - 10:52

"(check authors comment for explanation)" => I suggest putting these remarks in footnotes - <fn>...</fn> - so the lyrics don't get cluttered up with explanations. :)

   Quinta-feira, 22/02/2018 - 22:17

thank you! i'll try that next time