[SOLVED] What does "throw your top down" mean ?

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<a href="/pt-br/translator/ahmet-kad%C4%B1" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1053320">ahmet kadı <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 27.01.2010
Pending moderation

What does "throw your top down" mean ? I heard it in a song (Rupaul - born naked)
Here is a part of lyrics:

Going downtown
You know where you going
Throw your top down
Like you know where you going

Mestre True-to-original translations.
<a href="/pt-br/translator/michaelna" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1257575">MichaelNa </a>
Associou-se em: 29.08.2015
ahmet kadı wrote:

What does "throw your top down" mean ? I heard it in a song (Rupaul - born naked)
Here is a part of lyrics:

Going downtown
You know where you going
Throw your top down
Like you know where you going

The first guess would be "remove the clothes from your upper body" but since he/she is going downtown it could very well be "remove the roof on your convertible car". :)

Moderador and Incorrigable
<a href="/pt-br/translator/ww-ww" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1294288">Ww Ww <div class="moderator_icon" title="Moderador" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 03.06.2016

It's the convertible car thought. Driving around with the top down is a common expression.

<a href="/pt-br/translator/ahmet-kad%C4%B1" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1053320">ahmet kadı <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 27.01.2010

Okay,now it is clear.Thank you.

<a href="/pt-br/translator/sandring" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1263066">sandring </a>
Associou-se em: 18.10.2015

That's correct about the car because some red lights and traffic are mentioned but I think there's a more general meaning "Stop showing off"

Editor - Россияне домой!
<a href="/pt-br/translator/freigeist" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1249237">Freigeist <div class="editor_icon" title="Éditeur" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 11.06.2015
petit élève wrote:

My bet is "remove your bra and throw it to the floor",

That would have been just toooooooooo nice........
(toooo french....)

Editor (Resident Evil)
<a href="/pt-br/translator/magicmulder" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1264038">magicmulder <div class="editor_icon" title="Editor" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 26.10.2015
sandring wrote:

but I think there's a more general meaning "Stop showing off"

I'd say the figurative meaning is more like "relax" or "switch your mind to party mode".

Editor / Francophony
<a href="/pt-br/translator/gavin" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1222803">Gavin <div class="editor_icon" title="Editor" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 14.10.2014

I would say it definitely means throw down the roof of your convertible car.

See also "She don't love me she loves my automobile" by ZZ Top.

She said 'What's it gonna take for you to lay your top on down' - I said uh, honey why don't you aks me when we gets to the outskirts of town!" (sic)


Editor (Resident Evil)
<a href="/pt-br/translator/magicmulder" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1264038">magicmulder <div class="editor_icon" title="Editor" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 26.10.2015

The good thing about lyrics is they can carry different meaning at once, and even in your ZZ Top example, all three interpretations ("put your mind to having fun", "put the roof down", and a sexual innuendo) can be applied.

Editor / Francophony
<a href="/pt-br/translator/gavin" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1222803">Gavin <div class="editor_icon" title="Editor" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 14.10.2014

Oh sure, there's definitely a double entendre there - a strong one! :-)

Moderador der Fragenfinder
<a href="/pt-br/translator/questionfinder" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1220274">Questionfinder <div class="moderator_icon" title="Moderátor" ></div></a>
Associou-se em: 16.09.2014

yeah, it's referring to retracting the top of a convertible car.

Though, yes, "top" can also mean a shirt or bra, depending on the context.

You put the top of your car down because you want to feel the wind as you drive by, so it's a relaxation, party type thing.