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Go to jail

You were acquitted red-handed
You get no honest chance
You get to travel the world
And you never get to live anywhere
Destiny is spooning some
Fall hard on others’ chests
You get gold and green trees.¹
Where you get to hang paperless
How can one judge a person?
How can one forget a million?
Everything you point at
Do you see the star in the sky?²
You can get everything you wish for.
Go to jail,
Go directly to jail,
Do not pass go.³
You have to struggle your entire life
For someone you don’t even get to see
It should be taken for granted that they who have,
give to them who don’t have anything.
Everything you point at
Do you see the star in the sky?
You can get everything you wish for.
Go to jail,
Go directly to jail.
Do not pass go.
We share destiny, share time
One man’s loss is no one’s gain.⁴
We share life, so who is free
As long as others are in danger?
Everything you point at
Do you see the star in the sky?
Do not pass go.
Go to jail,
Go directly to jail.
You can get everything you wish for.
Do not pass go.
You can get everything you wish for.
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