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  • Kairos fjollor → Tradução para Inglês

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Cairo's Sissies

Dromedary and camel
In a tent without electricity
Cairo's sissies
Look at me
I look like a girl
What am I suppose to do?
Without crispbread and herring
Eat oil, drink sand
Play in Arabian heavy metal bands
I was deceived1
Stoned, pissed, drunken and high2
I was brought to the harem house
With tears welling up in my eyes3 I became a fag
Dromedary and camel
In a tent without electricity
Cairo's sissies
Look at me
I look like a girl
What am I suppose to do?
Without crispbread and herring
Eat oil, drink sand
Play in Arabian heavy metal bands
I was deceived
Stoned, pissed, drunken and high
I was brought to the harem house
With tears welling up in my eyes I became a fag
  • 1. "Förd bakom ljuset" is an idomatic expression in Swedish literally meaning "Brought behind the light"
  • 2. The British version of "pissed" is used here.
  • 3. "Gråten i halsen" is another expression" and this is a somewhat English equivalent
Letras originais

Kairos fjollor

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