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He recieved my message

Either he comes to the evil eye, or he goes into the grave
The truth is that; love has a life.
If we don't fight
He won't see my effort, he'll think of it as already done
He doesn't move, it breaks my heart and
His magic breaks.
What I say doesn't do anything, doesn't do anything.
He subdues my patience
I've had enough of your love, I broke the pencil
I'm compelled to say a few words.
The arrow shot from the bow won't return.
Nobody can change my decision.
What else can I say?
He recieved my message.
He recieved my message.
Recieved my message
Letras originais

Mesajımı Almıştır O

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Hadise: 3 mais populares
   Segunda-feira, 22/01/2018 - 06:03

Just because of some tags you had used your translation was imvisible. Since you're long gone, I've removed those tags.

   Quarta-feira, 24/01/2018 - 14:27

>"He recieved my message" =
He received my message