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Mogu ja bez tebe

Mogu ja, o da, mogu ja
Zasto se raspitujes
da l' zivim sama
zasto te ljubomora
muci ovih dana
Dok si druge imao
nije te zanimalo
kako mi je bez tebe
Mogu ja bez tebe
o da, bez tebe
mogu ja da
igra tvoja meni ne treba
Mogu ja bez tebe
ko i ti bez mene
luda bih bila
kad bi ti se opet vratila
Nikada te nizasta
vise ne bih zvala
ni za pomoc pitala
radije bih krala
Jednom si me imao
sto puta me izdao
ne bih htela ponovo

I can live without you

I can, oh yeah, I can
Why are you questioning
if I live alone
why is jealousy
torturing you these days
While you had been having the other women
you weren't interested
at how was it to me without you
I can (live) without you
oh yeah, without you
I can, yeah
I don't need your game
I can (live) without you
like you can without me
I would be crazy
if I returned to you again
I would never call you
for something ever more
I also wouldn't ask you for help
I would rather steal
You had me once
you betrayed me one hundred times
I wouldn't like it again