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Unser liebe Fraue

Unser liebe Fraue
Vom kalten Bronnen,
Bescher' uns armen Landsknecht'
Eine warme Sonnen!
Lasst uns nicht erfrieren,
Wohl in des Wirtes Haus
Ziehen wir mit vollem Säckel,
Und leerem wieder 'naus.
Die Trommel, die Trommel,
Der Mann, der Mann, der Mann
Hei ridirideran, ridiran, frisch voran!
Landsknecht voran!
Der Trommler schlägt Parade,
Die seid'nen Fahnen weh'n,
Jetzt heißt's auf Glück und Gnade
Ins Feld spazieren gehen.
Das Korn reift auf den Feldern,
Es schnappt der Hecht im Strom,
Heiß weht der Wind von Geldern,
Herauf den Berg op Zoom.
Wir schlucken Staub beim Wandern,
Der Säckel hängt uns hohl.
Der Kaiser schluckt ganz Flandern,
Bekomm's ihm ewig wohl.
Er denkt beim Länderschmause
Wie er die Welt erwürb.
Mir wohnt ein Lieb zu Hause,
Das weinte, wenn ich stürb.
Der Tod reit´t auf einem kohlschwarzen Rappen
Er hat eine undurchsichtige Kappen
Wenn Landsknecht' in das Feld marschieren
Lässt er sein Ross daneben galoppieren

Our dear Lady

Our dear Lady1
Of Kaltenbrunn2
Bestow to us poor lansquenets
A warm sun!
Don't let us die of cold,
Into the landlord's pub
We go with pockets full of money
Which are empty when we are going out again
The drum, the drum
the man, the man, the man
Hi reedeereedaran, reedan, heartily ahead
lansquenet ahead!
The drummer drums parade,
The silken banners wave
Now it's up to good luck or mercy (of our foes)
When we march for battle
The grains ripen in the fields
The luce hunts in the stream
Hot blows the wind from Geldern3
Up to the Berg op Zoom.4
We swallow dust while marching
Our pockets are empty
The emperor swallows the whole of Flanders
May it become him well.
While conquering countries
He thinks of conquering the world
I've got a wife at home
Who'd be crying if I died
Death rides a coal black horse
And wears a hood hiding his face
When lansquenets march to battle
His horse is galloping to their side
  • 1. Our dear Lady = Our Lady = Mary (mother of Jesus)
  • 2. Although "kalter Bronnen" literally means 'cold well' it is more likely that it's a toponym. There are lots of places in Germany and Austria (as well as in regions that once belonged to Germany) that are called Kaltenbrunn or Kaltenborn.
  • 3. Geldern is a town in Germany, close to the Dutch border.
  • 4. Berg op Zoom is a town in the Netherlands. Up the 'Berg' could be a pun, because Berg means mountain but there are no real mountains in the Netherlands.
German Folk - Landsknecht Lieder: 3 mais populares
BárbaroBárbaro    Sexta-feira, 30/06/2017 - 19:02

Isn't Bronnen ( "Vom kalten Bronnen" ) also a city, instead of "well"? I think this is the way I saw some translations on youtube. Thank you

   Sábado, 01/07/2017 - 16:52

Thank you for your comment. It could indeed be a town's name. The modern version would be Kaltenbrunn or Kaltenborn and there are more than 30 places called Kaltenbrunn in Germany and Austria. Kaltenborn is the name of at least a dozen places.
It's most likely that at least in one of those towns there was a church especially dedicated to Mary. I'll add a footnote.