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Not you

Etch the bark until bleeding,
Nail the doors down to lock yourself
And live in daydreams because of staying awake too much ;
Pray shadows and walking a lot.
May well do I keep telling myself it needs time,
May well do I keep write it black on white if
Whatever I do, wherever I am
Nothing erases you, I think about you.
Days go by as empty furrows,
In reason and lovelessly
My luck is fading away, the tide is turning
And only the lack of you stays— obstinately
May well do I keep telling myself it's like that now,
That without aging you can't forget :
Whatever I do, wherever I am
Nothing erases you, I think about you
And whatever do I learn, still I don't know
Why do I bleed and you don't?
There's no hatred, there's no king,
Nor God or chains we fight against
But what does it take, which strength,
Which weapon shatters disregard?
Oh, it's not fair, it shouldn't be written like that,
Feels like a slander, more than disdain
And whatever do I learn, still I don't know
Why do I bleed and you don't?
Letras originais

Pas toi

Clique para ver a letra original (Francês)

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