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فریشته‌ - روومه‌تی وه‌ک گوڵی بێ گه‌رد

روومه‌تی وه‌ک گوڵی بێ گه‌رد
زولفی خاو ئاوریشمێکی زه‌رد
چــاوی کـــاڵ ئه‌گه‌رچی نه‌رمه‌
به‌ڵام نـــیگای هێـجگار گه‌رمه‌
باڵای وا ده‌مـــکی وا تــه‌نگ
ئه‌ندامی ئاوا شۆخ و شه‌نگ
وا دیاره‌ مـــن نـــه‌مـــدیـــوه‌
له‌و چــه‌شــنه‌ به‌ژن یه‌که‌مه‌
له‌و ره‌نگه‌ کوڵمی گه‌ش و ئال
له‌ مــه‌لێکی وا جــــوان و کاڵ
جوانێکه‌ تاک وه‌ک فـریـــشته‌
ئه‌و وه‌سفی من زۆر دریـشته‌
من هه‌ر ئه‌وه‌نده‌م له‌ ده‌ست دێ
که‌ دێت وه‌ک که‌و تــێـپه‌ر ده‌بێ
پێشکه‌شی که‌م یــه‌ک هــه‌ناسه‌
پــــڕ لــه‌ پـــه‌رستن لـــه‌ تــاسه‌

Angel - Her cheeks like a flawless flower

Her cheeks, like a flawless flower
Her hair is soft, a yellow silk
Her eyes are light-colored, and even though they're calm
yet her glance is exceptionally warm
Such height, such a [tight] mouth
Such beautiful features
-I have not seen, it seems
Her stature is the best (the first)
From that bright and red color
From that beautiful white (light) neck
is a one-of-a-kind beauty, like that of an angel
my description doesn't do it justice
All that is within my power,
when she comes and passes by like bird
is for me to offer hear a sigh (a breath)
full of worship, full of admiration