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Moments that you are not mine

Home alone again and silence
Everything's dark and I miss you
How to go to bed to light a candle
A flame that burns is searching for the body
If we don't see each how can I tell myself that love doesn't live here
Unrobe me switch off the lights I have stayed there
I remember you saying that you love bums and that you want to live next to me
Time is ticking on my necessity hurts and you still haven't passed the front door
Tell me you want me and you will see me pass the wall like a shadow
Gimme everything so I can stand the moments that you are not with me and you are late
A shadow that searches you
The dream burns without a kiss
It rains outside the voice dries
The night is empty, the soul is getting angry
If we don't see each how can I tell myself that love doesn't live here
Unrobe me switch off the lights I have stayed there
Letras originais

Στιγμές που δε σ'έχω

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