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  • Björn Afzelius

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We're Still Alive

We have walked with open eyes into the time of expectation;
We have turned a blind eye in disappointment when everything was past; But we're still alive.
We have climbed up the mountain to the triumphant highest peak;
We plunged downhill then we finally came up;
But we're still alive, but we're still alive.
We have walked in the community with those we cherish;
We have suffered through all the lonely anguish; But we're still alive.
They have welcomed us with warmth and with loving words;
They have shown us a chill that has iced our blood;
But we're still alive, yes, we're still alive.
So it seems that life is an antagonism in itself;
Every love carries a memory of a hate;
Every moment of happiness carries a shadow of a grief;
Every security rests on a wandering;
We're still alive, yes, we're still alive.
We have said that there is nothing that can't be managed;
We have sometimes believed that one day everything still falls apart;
But we're still alive, yes, we're still alive.
So we continue to wander, yes, we continue to go;
We do not know how we stop, we have gone too many years;
And we're still alive, yes we're still alive.
So we cling to the idea of striving towards a goal,
then may time show if you take yourself there.
You want to know that you are still making something of your only life;
Should you fall, you should do it in battle;
We're still alive; Yes, we live.
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Björn Afzelius: 3 mais populares
ArsèneArsène    Quinta-feira, 23/03/2017 - 08:33

förväntningarnas tid: jag tycker att "the time of expectation" blir bättre än "the expectation of time".