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  • Orhan Gencebay

    Aklım takıldı → traducere în Engleză

  • 2 traduceri
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On my mind

You were on my mind last night
The words you said stuck on my mind
Tossing and turning all night,
Dreaming of your jesters smile..
Suspicion written on your poker face
As if all you said were lies.
Gripped by a fear within,
At the thought of my love
speak openly, be honest with me
What’s all this between the lines, lovin’ and leavin’?
But if I've erred, you said nothing of it
Did you succumb to your desires? It’s in my head
You’re in my head, I’m consumed.
Your green eyes stuck on my mind.
You did say I loved once but I can't be sure
You've made a promise don’t leave it at plain words
Our pipeline dreams on hold
Something’s on my mind.
You don't have to love me.
You are real not an impostor
Maybe one love isn't enough
My ego bruised I thought of you
To you I might be old school
Because I think one is enough
My mind’s stuck on all the failed tries
Say who you are its stuck on my mind
It’s stuck on my mind and I've grown obsessed
You’re prowling green eyes stuck on my mind
Consumed by your green eyes
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Aklım takıldı

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