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  • Valery Leontiev

    Анжела → traducere în Engleză

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Анжела, все случилось странно, как в кино,
Лос-Анджелес и полупустое казино,
А потом горячий шёпот непонятных слов,
Мне продал тебя на ночь город ангелов.
Знаешь, Анжела, никто из нас не думал, не гадал,
Что превратится эта ночь в сумасшедший сериал.
Пролетели две недели, две недели пролетели ,
Как во сне, во сне.
Еще не поздно сказать тебе: - "Прощай,
Давай допьем остывший чай,
И ты меня не провожай."
Еще немного, я не смогу уже уйти,
Бай-бай, май бэйби, не грусти,
Ты только не грусти, прости.
Анжела, на щеках соленый след,
У окна замер одинокий силуэт.
И протянутые деньги ты швырнула в ночь,
За окном они кружатся, улетая прочь.
Город ангелов, он опустит их на тротуар,
И ночной прохожий примет их за божий дар.
Пролетели две недели, две недели пролетели
Как во сне, во сне.
Еще не поздно сказать тебе: - "Прощай,
Давай допьем остывший чай,
И ты меня не провожай."
Еще немного, я не смогу уже уйти,
Бай-бай, май бэйби, не грусти,
Ты только не грусти, прости.


Angela, everything has happened strange as in a movie.
Los Angeles and and a half- empty casino
And then a hot whisper of unclear words,
The city of angels has sold you to me for one night.
You know, Angela, no one of us have not thought and not guessed
That this night will turn into a crazy carnival.
Two weeks has flown away, two weeks has flown away as in a dream.
It is not yet too late to say you:” Good-bye,
Let's drink a cooled down thee
And don't see me off.”
Still a bit more - and I will be not able to leave,
Bye-bye, my baby, don't be sad,
Only don't be sad, forgive me.
Angela, there is a salty trace on the cheeks,
A lonely silhouette stood still by the window.
And you have chucked stretched money at night,
They are whirling behind the window, flying away.
The city of angels, it will put them on the pavement
And a night passerby will take them for a God's gift.
Two weeks has flown away, two weeks has flown away as in a dream.
It is not yet too late to say you:” Good-bye,
Let's drink a cooled down thee
And don't see me off.”
Still a bit more - and I will be not able to leave,
Bye-bye, my baby, don't be sad,
Only don't be sad, forgive me.
Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Duminică, 20/08/2017 - 10:04

I will not be able to leave. And money shoved in to your hand you've thrown away into the night. "Stretched money" doesn't make sense in English, only in Russian. Just a bit more...It still not late... You know, Angela, none of us thought nor guessed.