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Još se srce umorilo nije

Još se sjećam onih dana
na taraci oleandar cvate
u duši mi sto gitara
svaka noćas svira samo za te.
Još se sjećam onih noći
pod prozorom huči more
u duši mi sto pjesama
a u svakoj, naše vatre gore.
Još se srce umorilo nije,
ludo ljubi i još sebe daje
zagrli me, da bude ko prije
ljubi, ljubi i nek samo traje.
Ljubi, ljubi i nikad ne žali
u tvom oku sto me sunca grije
svaka plima naš vatromet pali
još se srce umorilo nije.

My heart is not tired yet

I still remember those days,
On terrace the oleander blooms,
In my soul there are a hundred guitars,
Each of them tonight plays for you only.
I still remember those nights,
Under the window the sea roars,
In my soul there are a hundred songs,
In each of them our fire is burning.
My heart is not tired yet,
It's madly in love and still gives itself to you.
Hug me, let it be like before,
Kiss, kiss me, and let it just last.
Kiss, kiss me and don't ever regret,
From your eyes a hundred Suns warm me,
Each tide lights our firework,
My heart is not tired yet.
Te rugăm să ajuți la traducerea cântecului „Još se srce umorilo ...”