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  • Amazarashi

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生きる意味とは何だ 寝起き一杯のコーヒーくらいのもんか
それとも酔いどれの千夜一夜 ていうか二日酔いでもう吐きそうだ
新しい家に引っ越した とは言っても西日とは未だ友人だ
安心とは縁遠い暮らしの最中で どっち付かずの夢想家
思い出す景色おぼろに 白黒写真みたいなあの日々
何度も僕は僕を殺し 血まみれの僕 未だ在住 心に
夜窓に不意に映るそいつは さながら亡霊か 恨めしそうな目だ
「いつでもこっちに戻って来なよ」 踏みとどまるのはいつだってギリギリだ
自分の価値観を自分で言い負かし そいつをまた否定する言葉遊び
建前を一人ずつ剥がせば 頭の中すっかり嫌な奴
そりゃそうだ一糸纏わぬ人間は そもそも獣とさほど変わらない
つまり犯人は僕自身なのだ っていうのはもう何度目のオチだ?
生きる意味とは何だ 寝起き一杯のコーヒーくらいのもんか
それとも酔いどれの千夜一夜 ていうか二日酔いでもう吐きそうだ
たった一瞬の たった一粒の 閃きが人生を変える
愚直な自尊心が現実に跪いた 口をつく恨み節 確かによく切れたな
閃きには今も感謝するが 怠惰の言い訳になり得たのも然りだ
馬鹿にした奴 見返したいだけじゃ 目立ちたがりや 空虚な愉快犯
上か下かで競い合うその先に 僕ら生きてる虚しさを恥じて
群衆の意思の平均像の下敷きに なっているのもどうせ人間だ
それなら自分が一番可愛いんだと 言ってみせろよこの獣どもが
生きる意味とは何だ 寝起き一杯のコーヒーくらいのもんか
それとも酔いどれの千夜一夜 ていうか二日酔いでもう吐きそうだ
埠頭を望むさびれた岸壁 潮風に錆び付いていく命
と呼ぶのも躊躇う様な暮らし ぶら下げ「それでも」と 未だ のたまい
所在などなく 行き場所もなく くすぶる魂すら持て余す
「後悔はない」という後悔を 引きずり重い足を歩かせる
愚痴は零すな 弱音を吐くな 素晴らしい人間になろうと思うな
我慢するべきだ 身を粉にして 道に迷っても戻りはするな
優しく在れ 義理堅く 恩は返せ 借りは作るな
無償の愛だ 無償の愛か? これこそエゴか? なんて嫌な奴だ
生きる意味とは何だ 寝起き一杯のコーヒーくらいのもんか
それとも酔いどれの千夜一夜 ていうか二日酔いでもう吐きそうだ

I Think I’d Throw Up

What’s the point of living? Is having a morning cup of coffee reason enough?
Or maybe live one thousand and one nights as a drunk, though I think I’d throw up after the second.
I moved into a brand new house, but the sun in the West is still my old friend.
Peace of mind comes when you live a completely isolated life, but dreamers never get either.
The sights in my memories are fuzzy. The days look shot with some old black-and-white film.
My body’s all drenched in blood from when I killed myself over and over, yet my soul’s alive and kicking.
The face in the window at night, a specter out to haunt me, tells me with a bitter look in his eyes.
“You’re free to come on back over here anytime.” It takes all my strength just to remain on this side.
I always manage to prove my own values wrong in this word game just so I can refuse him.
If you peel back the face I show to everyone, you’ll find a poor excuse for a person beneath.
Because of course you will. You would for anyone. In the end, we’re not much better than other animals.
The culprit was really me all along. I feel like that’s a punchline I’ve heard so many times!
What’s the point of living? Is having a morning cup of coffee reason enough?
Or maybe live one thousand and one nights as a drunk, though I think I’d throw up after the second.
In a single moment, in a single instance, with a flash lives are changed forever.
But I don’t think that flash is some god who deserves our veneration.
My honest sense of self-worth knelt before reality. That blues number really cut to my core.
I say I’m grateful to that life-changing flash, but that might just be a cover for my own laziness.
I just want to get back at those who made fun of me. Just another show off. Just an empty narcissist.
We compete with others to chase after tomorrow. We’re all ashamed of these lifeless lives of ours.
No matter how you look at it, everyone’s the underpinning for the plans of the masses.
And if that’s the case, then let’s all show them which one of us can wag our tails the fastest!
What’s the point of living? Is having a morning cup of coffee reason enough?
Or maybe live one thousand and one nights as a drunk, though I think I’d throw up after the second.
A wharf is needed at the deserted breakwater, though destined to rust by the ever-present sea breeze.
But that doesn’t mean we should quit before we try. We’ll hang on to the thought that it’s still worth doing.
I’ve nowhere to be, nowhere to call my home. It’s too much for my sputtering soul to handle.
So that my only regret is having nothing to regret, I’ll drag these heavy legs of mine along behind me.
Don’t you dare grumble. Don’t you dare complain. Don’t you dare think you’ll become a great person.
You’ve got to hold it in. Work yourself to the bone. Even if you’re lost, don’t you dare look back.
Be a good person, have a strong work ethic, return all your favors, and don’t think about having debt.
That’s unconditional love, but is that really love? Isn’t that just ego? God, how I hate that!
What’s the point of living? Is having a morning cup of coffee reason enough?
Or maybe live one thousand and one nights as a drunk, though I think I’d throw up after the second.