Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai cu Ucraina!
  • Camané

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I Don't Know

I don't know what river this is I'm bathing in
That destroys all the margins I chose
Which takes to the sea all I have
And brings nascent back what I lost
I don't know what wind this is suddently
That everything I effaced it remakes
That pushes me strongly forward
When I fall helplessly backwards
I don't know what this weather is I carry
With the memory of the things I don't guard
That compels me to leave whenever I come
And arrive to early everytime I am tardy
I don't know what sun this is that burns me
The more I cover my eyes and shelter myself
Which opens to all that is strange my house
The more I shut myself off within myself
What not knowing is this that I don't want
Knowing the not knowing which I taught it
That makes me learn without wanting to
Knowing more each time what I don't know
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