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    Su Castanzeri e sos Messadores → traducere în Engleză

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Su Castanzeri e sos Messadores

[Su Castanzeri]
Passat su castanzeri, poberitu!
in mesu de su nibe e de su bentu
totu furesi, eppuru dae su frittu
accorinadu: triste pessamentu
e de su ‘izu mancu unu coritu,
de sa domedda fritta che cumbentu,
de su monte nibau, diruttu, affritu,
de sa bidda sua nuda issu trumentu.
E passat chin sa bértula unchinau,
a conca a terra. Su comporadore
est raru, ca issu focu s’est corcau.
E passat chin su prantu, a su segnore
gridat: “E bos castanza!”, marturiau,
chin boche istraca prena de dolore.
[Sos Messadores]
Framas ghetat s'aghera cristallina,
e sole, sole supra ‘e sos pianos,
montes, baddes e ribos. O beranos,
o buscos friscos prenos de saghina!
Comente un'unda d'oro issos solianos,
framiante dae s'atanda coraddina,
sos trìdicos s'aghèra montagnina
Iuchet e tremet gàrrigos de granos.
Tres messadores chin su coro prenu
d'anneu, pranghende, messant su labore
issoro pro sos fizos de s'anzenu.
Los cantant trumentandesi iss'ardore,
sas chìchelas dae mesu de su fenu
in deche, in chentu, in mille, in d'unu pore!
Los cantant trumentandesi iss'ardore,
d'anneu pranghende sos traballadores,
su castanzeri e sos messadores.

The Chestnut Vendor and the Reapers

[The Chestnut Vendor]
The chestnut vendor, poor wretch!
passes through snow and wind
muffled in coarse woolen fabric,
yet stiffened with cold: a sad worry
about his son without even a vest,
his small house, as cold as a convent,
his snowy, ruined, afflicted mountain,
his village, naked in the blizzard.
And passes with his sack, bowed down
with his head to the ground. A buyer
is rare, he is lying down by the fire.
And passes with his crying, and shouts
to the wealthy: “Hey folks, chestnuts!”
distressed, with a tired voice full of sorrow.
[The Reapers]
The cloudless air throws flames,
and sunshine, sunshine on the plains,
mountains, valleys and rivers.
Oh spring, oh fresh woods, full of dew!
Like a golden wave on the parched soils,
flaming out from the coral poppies,
the mountain air lights up and sways
the wheat grass, loaded with grains.
Three reapers, with their hearts full
of pain, weeping, reap their harvest
for other people's sons.
The cicadas sing to them, suffering
in the heat, from the middle of hay,
in tens, in hundreds, in thousands, countless!
They sing to them, suffering in the heat,
the workers are crying in pain,
the chestnut vendor and the reapers.