Some HTML tag issues

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Эксперт Wannabe hockeyeur but trop old
<a href="/ru/translator/grampa-wild-willy" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1214210">Grampa Wild Willy <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Регистрация: 22.07.2014
Pending moderation

1. Putting a colon in a footnote causes problems. The footnote text appears correctly in the area below the translation but when you hover the mouse over the footnote number embedded within the translation, the hover window does not show any part of the footnote before the colon. For example, say you write a footnote like this:

For this word, you can translate it in any of these ways: this, that, the other.

When you hover the mouse over the footnote number, the hover window shows this:

this, that, the other.

I first discovered this when I put a URL into a footnote. I have since figured out that a URL in a footnote is kind of a useless idea since in order to click on the URL, you have to move the mouse into the middle of the hover window. But as soon as you move the mouse to do this, the hover window goes away since the mouse is no longer over the little number. However, URLs aren't the only uses of colons, so this is still a real issue.

However, while I'm talking about this, perhaps you can let a hover window persist so long as the mouse is over the number or over the hover window as well. That could turn embedding a URL within a footnote into something useful. That is, if you also allow a mouse click within a footnote hover window to navigate to the URL. That would include the 3 possibilities of: open the URL in the current window (which should be the default action, to be consistent with URL usage elsewhere in the HTML standard), open the URL in a new tab, open the URL in a new window, both these latter two being available through the popup context menu for a URL.

2. I tried using <em> and <strong> tags in a footnote. The footnote below the translation shows italics, bold, or both, depending on what you code. But the hover window doesn't show them.

3. The <ul> tag is supposed to underline text. Instead, it seems to break the tagged text out with a blank line before and after, then it indents the tagged text a bit. It sort of acts like a quote directive without the line above it identifying who you're quoting. It makes the tag essentially useless.

4. I tried this only once quite a long time ago so I don't know if this is still an issue. I wanted to post 2 videos with a transcription of lyrics. I followed the instructions to separate the 2 URLs with a comma. The first video got posted but the second was ignored. I ended up putting them both in the Submitter's comments section in order to get them in the right order. Looking at the instructions more closely now, I see that the comma trick is not meant as I intended. So I guess I'm asking for the possibility of being able to post multiple videos with a song. I can think of two valid contexts for justifying this which I have encountered. First situation. One video just shows the lyrics but the other video is more of a real video, with action and a bit of a plot. Second situation. One video offers an original studio version, but the other offers a live concert performance that contains additional lyrics. For the time being, I just embed the 2 videos separately within the Submitter's comment section, which isn't a terrible workaround, but it would still be nice if you could do it in the video field.

This became a minor problem when I posted one video in the video field and another in the Submitter's comments field. Within the lyrics page, the video in the video field appears near the top of the page and the one in the comments appears below the lyrics. But once you go to a translation page, the one in the comments appears above the one from the video field. Here's an example. Compare the order of the videos on this lyrics page with what you get on this translation page for the song. If I could have posted the 2 videos within the video field, I'm assuming I would get the 2 thumbnails for the videos in the same sequence on both pages.