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  • Wise Guys

    Wo der Pfeffer wächst → перевод на Английский

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Where The Pepper Grows*

Today is the day we met for the first time
I think I will never forget that
We've had to little sleep
And we used to sit out here often
Then you broke up with me
What were you thinking?
That almost killed me!
I still don't know what that was
I have no resentment... but:
I want you to go to hell
Where the wicked witch conjures,
Where the yeti lives,
Or straight to the men in the moon!
I want you and your porcelain face to go
Where nobody speaks german or english
Where sometimes a sack of rice falls
I want you to go to the end of the world
Of cours I'm already over you
It's been some weeks
I'm a gentleman and never play dirty
But I still find it hard to see you
You say we should be friends
I can't see that happening
Do you know the Hänschen Klein's song?
Then go alone
Around the world
Or rather, to hell!
Sometimes I dream you where here
In my place!
Make a bike tour
Best to Singapore
So you're on the way
And won't get anything else from me!
Go to hell!
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Wo der Pfeffer wächst

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Wise Guys: Топ 3
Idioms from "Wo der Pfeffer ..."