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14 Anos

Tinha eu 14 anos de idade
Quando meu pai me chamou
Perguntou se eu não queria
Estudar filosofia
Medicina ou engenharia
Tinha eu que ser doutor
Mas a minha aspiração
Era ter um violão
Para me tornar sambista
Ele então me aconselhou
Sambista não tem valor
Nesta terra de doutor
E seu doutor
O meu pai tinha razão
Vejo um samba ser vendido
E o sambista esquecido
O seu verdadeiro autor
Eu estou necessitado
Mas meu samba encabulado
Eu não vendo não senhor

14 Years Old

I was 14 years old
When my father called me
He asked me if I wanted to
Study philosophy
Medicine or engineering
For him I had to be doctor
But my aspiration
Was to have a guitar
To become a sambista
He then advised me
Sambistas had no value
In this land of doctors
And the doctor,
My father was right
I see a samba being sold
And the sambista is forgotten
Its true author
I'm in need
But my shy samba
I don't sell it at all
The author of translation requested proofreading.
It means that he/she will be happy to receive corrections, suggestions etc about the translation.
If you are proficient in both languages of the language pair, you are welcome to коментариши.
Paulinho da Viola: Топ 3
   Субота, 14/05/2016 - 11:28

Hello, your translation is good, I only have a little comment: in the last sentence it is said " Eu nao vendo nao senhor" the word "senhor" is part of the negation and means "not at all" and should not be translated literally as "Sir".

   Субота, 14/05/2016 - 12:38

Hello, you are welcome. I have send you some more comments on other translations. Some texts are really very poetic and at first hard to understand.

Don JuanDon Juan
   Субота, 14/05/2016 - 13:02

Hi, Marcos,

Thanks for this great translation. There are just some points that I'd like to consider.

> 'Tinha eu que ser doutor' - This sentence is awkward even in Portuguese. Considering the context it's in, I'd translate it as 'For him, I had to be a doctor' or 'He wanted me to be a doctor'
> In Brazil, it's usual to call someone with whom we're affectionate as 'doutor' (this person not necessarily is a person who practices medicine or has a PhD). This would better be translated as 'And oh, man' or something like that. It looks very informal, but that's what it means.
> 'It's true author' - there's no apostrophe here, so it would be 'Its true author'
> 'Eu estou necessitado' means that the singer is in need of something (money, perhaps?). So that line could be translated as 'I'm in need'. 'Needy' would mean that he needs someone in a cuddling, affectionate manner

   Субота, 14/05/2016 - 13:23

Thanks, I have made some changes. However, I am a bit confused by 'doutor', are you saying this is a double meaning i.e. a literal doctor and slang for 'oh man'?
NB On the Joyce LP where I found the song this track is preceded by an old Samba called 'Chora Doutor', which I suspect is a kind of joke.

Don JuanDon Juan
   Субота, 14/05/2016 - 13:42

You're welcome.

Yes, 'doutor' can be a person who practices medicine and/or has a Doctorate degree. But, informally, you can also call people with whom you have a nice relationship like that (for instance, doormen may call you like that and say something like 'Bom dia, doutor!'. I had a student who often called me 'Doutor Juan' as well).

It depends very much of the context to notice which translation would be the most adequate. In Joyce's song, it's pretty much ambiguous (maybe she's implying that doctors are rich?), I don't understand which of them would fit there.