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سافر- أنا روحي معاك

سَافِرْ وِاتْغَرَّبْ وِتَعَالَا
أَنَا رُوحِى مَعَاك
دَه انَا هَفْضَلْ عَايِشَة لِهَوَانَا
وَانَا بَسْتَنَّاكْ
سَاهَرْ وِاتْغَرَّبْ وِتَعَالَا
أَنَا رُوحِى مَعَاكْ
دَه انَا هَفْضَلْ عَايِشَة لِهَوَانَا
وَانَا بَسْتَنَّاكْ
لِيه كُتْرِ الْمَلَامَة
سَافِرْ بِالسَّلَامَة
تِرْجَعْلِى وْقَلْبَكْ مُشْتَاق
وِ وَاحَشْنِى يَامَا
حُبَّكْ يَاهَوَايَّا
عَايِشْ هِنَا جُوَايَّا
وُ هَيِكْبَرْ وِيِزِيدْ لَمَّا إِنْتَ
تِرْجَعَ بِالسَّلَامَة
بِشْتَاقْلَكْ وَ احْلَمْ وَاتْمَنَّى
تِجْرِى الْأَيَامْ
تِرْجَعْلِى وْيبْقَى الْكُونْ جَنَّه
وُ فْحُضْنِى تْنَامْ
فِى بَعَادَكْ بَتْعَبْ فِى الدُّنْيَا
وَلَا بَفْرَحْ يُومْ
وْفِى غْيَابَكْ بَحْسِبْ بِالثَّانْيَة
تِرْجَعْلِى فِي يُومْ
ليه كتر الملامة
سافر بالسلامة
ترجعلى وقلبك مشتاق
وواحشنى ياما
حبك ياهوايا
عايش هنا جوايا
وهيكبر ويزيد لما انت
ترجع بالسلامة

Travel/My Soul is With You

Travel, and become a stanger, and come back, soul is with you
I will continue living for our love, and I will wait for you
Why is their so much blame, you can travel
Come back with your heart missing me
You love my darling is living inside of me
And it will grow when you come back
I will miss you, wish and dream that the days will go by quickly
You come back to me, and the universe will be heaven, and sleep by me
When your far away, the world is hard, I am not happy
I count every second untill you come back
Why is their so much blame, you can travel
Come back with your heart missing me
You love my darling is living inside of me
And it will grow when you come back
Молимо, помозите овом преводу: "سافر- أنا روحي معاك"
mhonmhon    Среда, 21/10/2009 - 14:02

I am an amateur writer of songs. I may suggest you to make your lyrics for at least 2, 3, separate stanzas rhyming at the end of every first and third line or first and of the fourth line for every stanzas you create. The chorus is the general point of your write being simple and significant.