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  • Luan Santana

    Cantada → превод на енглески

  • 3 превода
    +2 више
    , шпански #1, #2
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Pick up line

For sun's light that illuminates me
Nothing fascinates me more
than see you coming
Tanned skin and red mouth
And this big smile from ear to ear
I'm starting to get out of breath
If this smile is for me,
I'm the luckiest guy in the world,
Sorry for who lost you, now it's me,
Who's going to burn you in my fire,
Tomorrow will be more,
9h of the morning, when you've woken up,
And ask yourself, how it was, how it is,
We only went to dinner,
and we started to neck,
It's just we only went to dinner,
and we started to neck,
We got out,
And stayed for coffee.
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Luan Santana: Топ 3
Идиоми из "Cantada"