Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Станите уз Украјину!
  • Annett Louisan

    Das schlechte Gewissen → превод на енглески

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The bad conscience

You search for your clothes
And I get dressed
A sober morning awakens
Your bad conscience
Calls the presence of stress
And revenges the shrewd night
But nobody could have seen it
Nobody could have heard it
And if nobody knows about it
They will not be bothered either
It has happened
It has happened again
But what would have happened
If we only imagined it
That would as well be as if we made it
That would be just like as if we made it
Now don't tell me
That you did not want it
What kind of pseudo-moral is this?
If we were together
Or everybody on his own
That does not matter anyways
Nobody will get to know
It stays in this room
And if nobody knows
Then it was only a dream
Don't panic now
You go home now
You can go through the backdoor
For the missing hours
I will make something up
And we've never seen each other
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Das schlechte Gewissen

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