Can anyone identify the language that isn't French in this song?

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I put in a request to have this translated to English, and someone did translate the French parts, but he wasn't sure about the other language.

Here is the part in the other language:

Djamana gnagamou'na
Obafé kan'gnan djamana
gnagamou he
Djamana gnagami'na lou ho
Obafé kan'gnan
djamana gnagamou
Magô mi ba'fé kagnan
djamana gnagamou
Allah ma'ho kili tchi'la
Djamana gnagamou'la lou ho
Djamana gnagamou'la

Can anyone tell me what language it is and can translate it to English?

Retired Editor ♥
<a href="/sr/translator/azura" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1334503">Azura </a>
Датум придружења: 09.04.2017

The language is called Dioula. It's a dialect of Mallinke (a dialect of Bambara) spoken in Mali and the Ivory Coast.