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<a href="/sr/translator/arou" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1314218">Arou_ <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Датум придружења: 07.11.2016
Pending moderation

I just realized that the website's detection of idioms in lyrics is a bit too overzealous, as the following two lines

"Drinking all the day in old pubs, where fiddlers love to play
Someone touched the bow, he played a reel, it seemed so fine and gay"

from http://lyricstranslate.com/en/mary-black-song-ireland-lyrics.html
produced a hit for the idiom "play someone" (http://lyricstranslate.com/en/play-someone), even though they are words in what is supposed to be two separate sentences.

Other faulty hits on the same idiom include:
"the children play, someone's hurrying to the home," (http://lyricstranslate.com/en/kao-da-me-nema-if-i-dont-exist-anymore.html)
"To play someone's game or live my own life" (http://lyricstranslate.com/en/lana-del-rey-get-free-lyrics.html)

I suppose this is a general thing and I just caught a symptom of it, and also that it will be hard to eliminate incorrect detections completely, since the software has no grasp of the semantics, but making it look for " play someone " (that is, the idiom in surrounding spaces), for example, might help a little bit.

<a href="/sr/translator/lt" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1">LT </a>
Датум придружења: 27.05.2008

[@Loot] Thanks for reporting false detections, we'll have to teach our algorithm by these examples.

<a href="/sr/translator/brat" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1334845">Brat </a>
Датум придружења: 13.04.2017

If a [Not an idiom here] button was in every section of the |"This idiom" in lyrics| list, it would enable the site members to help the staff in every particular case.

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<a href="/sr/translator/arou" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1314218">Arou_ <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Датум придружења: 07.11.2016

Yes, that could be a way to weed them out once they are there, but it would save everyone a lot of work if the false detections could be prevented in the first place.

<a href="/sr/translator/brat" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1334845">Brat </a>
Датум придружења: 13.04.2017

Nevertheless, it is impossible to detect all the idioms present in lyrics automatically. The main reason for this is the fact that many of them have variants... One possible way is to mark 'probable idioms' in a different way (with a different color, etc.) For instance, the sentence "To play someone's not fair" could be marked as a 'probable idiom', that would be correct in this case (we may then need to have a [Confirm idiom] button near 'possible idioms' in the list) And in the previously mentioned case this expression, though marked as a 'possible idiom', would be 'not an idiom' and could be 'cancelled' by pressing the appropriate button by a member of the site.

<a href="/sr/translator/brat" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1334845">Brat </a>
Датум придружења: 13.04.2017

I've found a strange thing: this traslation page
has two links to the detected idiom "a firm hand", namely, the first refers to
and the second to
BTW, these 2 versions featuring this idiom show the same on their pages:
The information shown when following both links seems to be exactly the same. Is it a kind of error or something alike?
P.S. This duplication seems to appear on every page featuring this idiom...

<a href="/sr/translator/lt" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1">LT </a>
Датум придружења: 27.05.2008

Duplicate has been removed, thanks for reporting.