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  • Thyrfing

    Hels Vite → превод на енглески

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Hell's Punishment

The scars that shimmer in glowing red shed light on
Our conscience's pain and anguish
When our wound's sweat has dessicated the earth,
The burden that has weighed on our mind fades
Away in a foul deathly stench,
Into the abyss where gold has forsaken
The fleshly shell that disintegrates in swirling currents,
In a chasm that writes our final epilogue
So long they are consumed by shame,
Now the worst of plagues are cast
Into the universal gulf
Out of time, away from relief and grace
A treasured end, for they now lived on
By the cursed cliff's gaping maw
A revered end, for they suffered
Waiting on the fulfillment of the dawn
Never again will death's blade
Watch over their feverish blood
Stung no more by biting steel
And cast to the winds
Listen, you trembling creature
With chaos behind, you will fear nothing
In passing away, you will be cradled in slumbering grace
With my dagger at your back, embrace your destruction
So long they are consumed by shame,
Now the worst of plagues are cast
Into the universal gulf
Out of time, away from relief and grace
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Hels Vite

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