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  • Helen Sjöholm

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The Woman For You

She can kill you quickly,
With a look, with a laugh
She can drain your hope
Paint the skies black
Even if it's the middle of the day
And then she hides
Like a child playing a game
But she's still the woman for you
She can lift you up high
And then let you go like nothing
She asks "Tell it like it is"
But doesn't think about anything
She takes what she gets
And says thanks
Yeah, she steals like a thief
But she's still the woman for you
Oh, she's self-sufficient
She can wait a minute
She's before her time
Oh, she doesn't give up
Never says sorry,
Just changes her ways
And she promises you more
Than she can ever give you
And she gently cuts you
You see how she smiles a little bit
And she takes from the highest and
Lowest in you
You said, I know all that,
But she's still the woman
For me
Oh, she's happy with herself
She can wait a minute
She's before her time
Oh, she doesn't give up
Never says sorry,
Just changes her ways
She touches your skin,
With nails on
She says "stay the night"
Then she asks you to leave
And she can't judge
If you ask me,
You need to blame yourself
You need to row it ashore
'Cause she's still the woman for you
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Helen Sjöholm: Топ 3